
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Maven The Raven Tales - Need Reviews

Hello Fantasy Fiction Folks :D

Reviews for "The Falcon God" needed.

I can't tell you how much fun it has been working with the Maven writers.  So much more is on the way however, we need some reviews from you kind folks.  IF you are a Fantasy Fiction Fan you may get a great big kick out of Bird Nation Tales, especially when more are coming down the pike as we speak.

For now, we need reviews of  The Falcon God, available for free in PDF format and MP3 format for your convenience.  Please send reviews to buddyservices care of or a link to your blog review.

Newer pages for the website coming soon too - that has been waylaid in lieu of soliciting reviews for the story at hand.  Just a note here; Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a website.  We are not fiddling here while anything burns either. :)

The Buddy Bulletin #fiction

Going forward - we've created a new Buddy Bulletin Newspaper for fiction fans that include these hashtags: #fiction - #writers - #authors - #indie - #SciFi - #fantasy and will include more when we discover what other tags would be pertinent for that endeavor.  Feel free to hashtag your tweets to be included in the Buddy Bulletin #fiction online newspaper.

  Happy Holly and Merry Berry!

@SuperEB  @MavenTales